Help us elect community servants who center, plan for, and celebrate people with developmental disabilities.


Ensure endorsed candidates for elected office understand the needs of children and adults with developmental disabilities, and the families who support them.


We envision children and adults with developmental disabilities in Washington State are planned for, nurtured, and celebrated at all ages and stages of life, regardless of their support needs, language or communication needs, or their family’s financial ability to support them.


We believe that barriers to interdependent and independent community-based living should be addressed by the community. The needs of people with developmental disabilities and their families are at once diverse and universal. Washington State lags other states in ensuring children with disabilities are not segregated from their peers in school. Washington State also trails other states in offering robust community-based living and meaningful activity options for adults, which leads to isolation for both the person with a disability and for their family. The DDAllyPAC exists to ensure impacted people are prioritized by elected leaders.

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