The following list of resources has been thoughtfully curated over many years with significant help from anti-ableist, anti-racist organizational leadership consultants at Kindred Leaders. The PAC acknowledges, with deep and abiding gratitude, the extensive labor, wisdom, and groundbreaking contributions made by this Black/Woman owned and led organization. Our community is greatly enriched because of thousands of hours of uncompensated and unseen labor so generously given.
The resources below are a non-exhaustive list of resources to get started on your journey to understanding how to ensure people with developmental disabilities and their families feel a sense of belonging in your community. Whether you’re an elected leader or a disability advocate fighting for yourself or your loved one to be seen and centered, it is important to know that there is a world of information and tools to help shape an anti-ableist, anti-racist community where we all can thrive. If you know of a resource you would like to see included, please email it directly to
Decriminalizing disabled people: Decarcerating Disability by Liat Ben-Moshe *See especially the discussion on what constitutions “normal" beginning on page 78, highlighting the fact that just because someone lives in the community does not mean they are truly free from surveillance, segregated settings, management, or governance.
Understanding Tension in Disability Activism
Allies and Obstacles: Disability Activism and Parents of Children with Disabilities
Occupying Disability: Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability by Pamela Block, Devva Kasnitz, Akemi Nishida, and Nick Pollard (See Ch. 6 Occupying Autism: Rhetoric, Involuntarily, and the Meaning of Autistic Lives)
I Will Die On This Hill: Autistic Adults, Autism Parents, and the Children Who Deserve a Better World
Need for More Housing Options and Investments
Report to the legislature outlining need for community based housing
Need for Neurodiverse Affirming Housing Supports (physical structures are necessary but barriers to self-directed, disability positive supports must also be removed)
Just Care by Akemi Nishida
History of Disability in the United States— Background Reading on Why Disability Justice Requires Us to Think Critically About How We Treat Disabled People Today
A Disability History of the United States by Kim Nielsen
The Ugly Laws; Disability in Public by Susan M. Schweik examining laws that aim to eradicate people with disabilities from public spaces